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Rewilding the Highlands, rewilding the soul (Trees for Life)

Reflecting on a week spent planting trees with the Scottish charity, Trees for Life.

A diary-style write-up of the week I spent volunteering with the charity Trees for Life, planting trees in Glen Affric in Scotland in 2016.

One of my favourite moments took place while walking back after a big trek.

Taking inspiration from naturalist Dan Puplett who we’d spent a day with earlier in the week, we all sat down (spontaneously, without any words spoken) on the side of a hill looking down the glen, and simply took some time to be totally mindful of the rhythms of nature all around us.

The tireless patience of the trees, the indomitable spirit of the mountains, the shifting patterns of the clouds, the perpetual whistling of the wind, and our own place within (and not separate from) it all.

🔗 Read the full article at Trees for Life